CS Cleaners /Prostitution/Genre Is Death @ Berlin, New York, NY 11/7/24
Bill: CS Cleaners/Prostitution/Genre Is Death/OBOY!
Venue: Berlin, New York, NY
Date: 11/7/24
Door: $15
11pm: CS Cleaners
Active: 2023 (New York, NY)
Latest Release: Drolomon (Spirit Lust/DIM Things, 2023)
Bandcamp Instagram Discogs YouTube
10pm: Prostitution
Active: 2011 (Brooklyn, NY)
Latest Release: Luxury Tax (Prostitution, 2023)
Bandcamp Facebook Instagram YouTube
9pm: Genre Is Death
Active: 2023 (New York, NY)
Latest Release: Talk (Genre Is Death, 2023)
Missed: OBOY!
Every once in a while I'll get the itch to go out and see some band that I know very little about. Tonight was one of those night. The band that brought me out was CS Cleaners who I saw were featured in the Noise Rock Now facebook page. I had also thought I heard good things about the long running Brooklyn band Prostitution. I ran into Ryan Skeletonboy at Lucky's before the gig and he was heading to the show also because of the duo Genre is death. He saw them previously and had good things to say.
So we ambled down Ave. A to Berlin. The first band had just wrapped up. The guitar player was taking his guitar off his body, so I didn't even witness a single final note. Genre is death were indeed good--a duo with a drum machine. Prostitution were my favorite of the three delivering a heavy noise rock. CS Cleaners did more of an agit-punk thing. I don't really have a ton of other things to say about these bands, I guess the clips will do the talking. Glad I checked them out.
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