Kid Congo Powers & The Pink Monkey Birds/Lupo Cittá @ Union Pool, Brooklyn, NY 8/18/24


Bill: Kid Congo Powers & The Pink Monkey Birds/Lupo Cita

Venue: Union Pool, Brooklyn, NY

Date: 8/18/24

Door: FREE

Headliner: Kid Congo Powers & The Monkey Birds

Latest Release: That Delicious Vice (In The Red, 2024)

Active: 1979 (NYC & Tucson, AZ)

Affiliated: Kid Congo Powers: The Gun Club (1979, 1983, 1985-8), The Cramps (1980-3), Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (1988-90), Congo Norvelle (1993-1998), Knoxville Girls (1999-2001), The Pink Monkey Birds (1997-present)  

Mark Cisneros: America HeartsThe Burnouts (2)Chain And The GangDeathfixDes DemonasHammered HullsKid Congo & The Pink Monkey BirdsMedicationsThe Make Up

Kiki Solis: Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey BirdsKnife In The WaterRhythm Of Black LinesThose PeabodysFragile Gang

Ron Miller: 
The Hareyville ProjectUp The AcademySwitchhitter

FacebookBandcampInstagramDiscogsSetlist, Wiki

Opener: Lupo Cittá

Latest Release: Lupo Cittá  (12XU, 2024)

Active: 2024 (Boston, MA)

Affiliated: Chris Brokaw7 Or 8 Worm HeartsAtivinCharnel GroundCimtCodeineCome (2)ConsonantDirtmusicGG Allin & The Aids BrigadeHidden ToothKahootsPullmanSunset To The SeaThe JLP Sessions ProjectThe Martha's Vineyard FerriesThe New Year

Jenn Gori & Sarah Black: The Bleeding Hickeys

Facebook Instagram Bandcamp Discogs Setlist

Quite a bit of history passing through Union Pool yesterday.  Kid Congo Powers has become one of the top heritage acts of "punk rock" still active today.  He’s got his hits of yore from the Cramps and Gun Club, but the focus is quality new stuff.  My friend Ryan Skeletonboy was raving about his new album (assuming That Delicious Vice that is streaming via In The Red but doesn't seem to be out and up on Discogs yet).  Powers was doing a string of North East dates.  I thought he was living in NYC but maybe he relocated to Tucson?  Not sure, he belongs to the world anyway.  I just saw him New Years Eve at TV Eye, and like that night it seems like he is on an artistic peak having also a new book people are talking about.  I've gotta read that.

It was also nice to run into Chris Brokaw, who I would see all the time in my Boston years out and about.  I was at the very first Come show at the Middle East Upstairs and also saw him with Codeine before when Frigid Stars was still only available on Glitterhouse as an import.  Maybe before.  Recently I saw him play with the Martha's Vinyard Ferries all star group opening as well as some recent Come reunions, but it was good to have a catch up with someone I've known for a few decades.  His new band Lupo Cittá features a couple women from a prior band The Bleeding Hickeys.

Union Pool outside in their free Sunday series is always crowded making it difficult to get a clear path for a photo or short clips for the blog, but I made do and fully enjoyed the day.


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