The Clientele/The Smashing Times @ Le Poisson Rouge, New York, NY 7/30/24
Bill: The Clientele/The Smashing Times
Venue: Le Poisson Rouge, New York, NY
Date: 7/30/24
Door: $30, got a friends free extra ticket
Headliner: The Clientele
Latest Release: I Am Not There Anymore (Merge, 2023)
Active: 1991 (London, UK)
Facebook, Instagram, Discogs, Setlist, Wiki
Opener: The Smashing Times
Latest Release: This Sporting Life (K/Perrenialm, 2023)
Active: 2019 (Baltimore, MD)
Somehow I managed to never hear a note of the Clientele in their 30+ years of existence until last night. James (Rocket) was recovering from a covid bout and sacrificed his ticket, so now I am up to date. There was a little bit of excitement with the Dice ap where they sent me the email confirming the ticket transfer but somehow the ticket never made it to the ap. Fortunately they were able so sort it at the door. Confounded technology!
I thought The Clientele were along the lines of Robyn Hitchcock, David Gedge or even the Decemberists. There was a bit of soloing toward the end of the set, but I wouldn't say the band is overtly psychedelic.
As for The Smashing Times from Baltimore, the vocalist reminded me a bit of Eugene Kelly of Eugenius/Vaselines "fame." So more of those type of vocals.
So I liked both bands, even if it seems I'm a bit monosyllabic in my write up. Thanks James!
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